Custom File Handling Actions: Innovative Approaches
Custom File Handling Actions: Innovative Approaches
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Registration
- Using Advanced Installer
- Working with Projects
- Installer Project
- Patch Project
- Merge Module Project
- Updates Configuration Project
- Windows Store App Project
- Modification Package Project
- Optional Package Project
- Windows Mobile CAB Projects
- Visual Studio Extension Project
- Software Installer Wizards - Advanced Installer
- Visual Studio integration
- Alternative to AdminStudio/Wise
- Replace Wise
- Migrating from Visual Studio Installer
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Shell Integration
- Command Line
- Advanced Installer PowerShell Automation Interfaces
* IAdvancedInstaller
* IAdvinstProject
* IProductDetails
* IFolder
* ILaunchConditionsComponent
* IFilesComponent
* IIniFilesComponent
* IShortcut
* ITempFile
* IXmlFile
* IDirectoryMember
* IRegistryComponent
* IInstallParameters
* IBuildComponent
* ITextFileUpdatesComponent
* ITextUpdateFile
* ITextUpdateAppendOrCreate
* ITextUpdateReplace
* IFileAssociations
* IDefaultProgramFA
* IExtensionFA
* IProgIdFA
* IVerbFA
* IEnvironment
* IEnvironmentVariable
* IProductCode
* IUpgradeCode
* IMergeModulesComponent
* IMergeModule
* IDigitalSignature
* ICustomActionsComponent
* ICustomAction
* ICustomActionSequence
* IAttachedFileCustomAction
* IAttachedScriptFileCustomAction
* IDotNetCustomAction
* IExeWithWorkingDirectoryCustomAction
* IFileCustomAction
* IInstalledFileCustomAction
* IInstalledScriptFileCustomAction
* IPowershellScriptFile
* IPowershellAttachedScriptFile
* IInstallCertificate
* IUninstallCertificate
* IFileFromPropertyCustomAction
* IScriptFileFromPropertyCustomAction
* IAttachedDllFunctionCallCustomAction
* IInstalledDllFunctionCallCustomAction
* ITranslationsComponent
* IDriversComponent
* ISearch
* IServices
* IOrganizationComponent
* IComComponent
* IRemoveFilesComponent
* IRemoveFile
* IUpdatesProject
* IUpdaterComponent
* IPatchProject
* IPropertyComponent
* IProperty
* IPathVariable
* IMsixComponent
* IMsixDependencies
* IMsixDriverDependency
* IMsixDriverConstraint
* IMsixExternalDependency
* IMsixPackageDependency
- Features and Functionality
- Tutorials
- Samples
- How-tos
- FAQs
- Windows Installer
- Deployment Technologies
- IT Pro
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced Installer Blog
- Table of Contents
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IFileCustomAction : ICustomAction
This interface facilitates editing custom action that allows the launching of a file into execution or opening of a folder (the same action that occurs when you double-click it in Explorer).
String FilePath - Gets or sets the full path of the file you want to launch.
String CommandLine - Get or sets the command line arguments for launching executable file.
String WorkingDirectory - Get or sets the working directory for launching executable file.
Bool HideProgramWindow - Gets or sets the property of the custom action to make main window or console of the launched program not visible.
Bool RunAsAdministrator - Gets or sets the property of the custom action to run as administrator.
Bool Use64BitLauncher - Gets or sets the property of the custom action to use a 64-bit process to launch the file.
$advinst = new-object -com AdvancedInstaller $project = $advinst.CreateProjectS(“architect”) $project.FilesComponent.AddFileS(“appdir”, “D:\MyApp.exe”) $custAct = $project.CustomActionsComponent.NewLaunchFileFromDisk(“[#MyApp.exe]“)
See also
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- Title: Custom File Handling Actions: Innovative Approaches
- Author: Michael
- Created at : 2024-10-06 02:15:39
- Updated at : 2024-10-10 23:52:11
- Link:
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.